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Ace Runners Is now an online-only Store
Speed: 6 | Glide: 5 | Turn: 0 | Fade: 2
"The Z" is the beadless version of Kaxe and is often referred to as a slightly season Kaxe, flight-wise. Straighter and Glider, but still dependable and Kaxey!
Just as with the original Kaxe, Kastaplast has called it a midrange driver, but it’s just as much a fairway driver. A multi-purpose disc, Kastaplast's Kaxe Z can handle a decent amount of speed and wind, but will also perform better than the typical driver when powered-down.
Suitable for: Control throws, forehand flights, 1-disc rounds.
Diameter: | 21.1 cm |
Height: | 1.9 cm |
Rim Depth: | 1.3 cm |
Rim Thickness: | 1.5 cm |