Price Decrease and Lower Weights for Innova Halo Star Discs

Authorized Innova Retailers (i.e. mostly brick and mortar stores) order Innova stock discs from Innova Champion Discs at wholesale prices and limited production Innova discs from the Innova Factory Store. For the last couple of years, retailers have had to purchase limited production Innova discs, with the exception of Tour Series Discs, at full retail due to high demand and limited supply. On June 8, 2022, the Innova Factory Store announced that retailers can once again purchase limited production discs at a slight discount. Does this mean that the Innova Factory Store's production capacity has caught up to demand or perhaps demand has decreased such that supply is no longer a major issue?

No matter what the reason, Halo Star stock discs are now less expensive for us to purchase. We are passing along this savings to our customers and have decreased our price for most of our Halo Star stock discs from $39.99 to $34.99. Why not for all of them? Well, the Innova Factory Store has just started to make Halo Star discs in lighter weights starting with the 150g class Halo Star Beast, Halo Star Sidewinder and Halo Star TL3. This is great news for those of us who throw lighter weights; however, since the Innova Factory Store has priced some of the lighter weight Halo Star discs at full retail for retailers, there is currently no consistent retailer discount for Halo Star discs.

We try to keep our prices consistent for each plastic, but until our cost for purchasing Halo Star discs are the same for each mold, run and weight class, please note that our pricing for Halo Star discs will be inconsistent across Halo Star stock discs, Halo Star Tour Series discs, and different weight classes of the same disc model in Halo Star plastic.