Ace Runners Is now an online-only Store
Ace Runners Is now an online-only Store
Speed: 3 | Glide: 3 | Turn: 0 | Fade: 2
Like a phoenix rising from the ashes, Eagle McMahon’s first Official Team Series disc fully embraces the idea of new beginnings and the fire that burns within. Suitably named “Rebirth”, Mike Inscho has beautifully illustrated Eagle’s first triple-foil stamp, featuring an eagle rising from the ashes on his personal mold of choice, the Prism Proton Envy. Don’t miss your chance to snag the very first of what is sure to be a long line of discs that directly support Eagle!
The Envy is a slightly overstable putt and approach disc. It has a smooth modern feel that fits in the hand perfectly, lending confidence for both putt and approach duties. It exhibits reliable high-speed stability and a minimal fade. The Envy is a uniquely "lid-like" stable putter.