Raptors Knoll Mixed Amateur Ratings Challenge Series Presented by Ace Runners

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Many people have told me that they really enjoy competing in a big field of players with similar PDGA ratings. In BC and Canada, it seems that many players tend to play in divisions above their ratings. Due to the popularity of tournaments and scarcity of spots, this means that higher ranked players in each division may not get the chance to register and/or compete against similarly ranked players. So Ace Runners will be running a series of ratings-based events where registration will be based on your current PDGA rating.

Ratings will follow PDGA's suggested levels of play The planned events are as follows:

  • Saturday, September 10, 2022: Mixed Amateur 1 rated 935+ (including Pros under 970) - Register here
  • Sunday, September 11, 2022: Mixed Amateur 2 rated 900-934 - Register here
  • TBD (possibly October 2022): Mixed Amateur 3 rated 850-899
  • TBD (possibly October 2022): Mixed Amateur 4 rated under 849

Please note the following for this series:

  1. You must have a PDGA number to register. If you have no rating, you are not eligible to play in this series. 
  2. Registration will be tiered. For example, the MA1 event registration will open first to players rated 955+. If there are remaining spots left after the first hour, registration will open to players rated 945+. If there are remaining spots left after the second hour, registration will open to players rated 935+.
  3. Your entry fee will be disbursed as follows: $2 PDGA Fee, $10 Raptors Knoll Green Fee, CTP prizing, Trophy prizing, and each player will receive a custom stamped disc only available from Ace Runners. For those of you who don’t know, Raptors Knoll is maintained by volunteers and overseen by the Jackman Wetlands Disc Golf Society. Annual membership is $50 and includes member benefits such as a 100% discount on event green fees held at Raptors Knoll. All current members were emailed a discount code on August 17, 2022 which they can input during registration to decrease their entry fee by $10. If you want to become a society member, see here. Your annual fee and revenue from green fees contribute to the maintenance of Raptors Knoll.

As this series is an experiment, I anticipate I will run across issues that I haven't thought of. While setting up the MA1 registration in The Disc Golf Scene, I did speak with a member of the PDGA Event Support Team about my use of tiered registration for this series. He said he has never been questioned about this before but in theory it should work. In the event it does not and someone who is rated below the required rating is able to register, that registration will have to be cancelled and refunded in full minus the processing fee.