Ship Me My Lost Disc Please
If you have received a lost disc text message from us and want your lost disc shipped to you, you can add Lost Disc Return Product to your cart. Our system will calculate the shipping cost as charged by your selected shipping carrier and method of shipping prior to any payment.
At Ace Runners Disc Golf, we understand how frustrating it can be to lose a disc during a game. That's why we strive to help reunite players with their lost discs whenever possible. Here's what you need to know about our lost disc process:
Lost Disc Batches
Lost discs are typically brought into our store by local volunteers who maintain the lost disc bins at some of the courses near our store. Please note that the volunteers drop them off at their convenience.
Processing Time
Upon receipt of a lost disc batch, we aim to process them within one business day. If your disc is in the batch and your telephone number is legible, we will send you a text message to notify you. To increase the chances of being reunited with your lost disc, make sure to write your telephone number legibly on the disc. This will help us contact you if your disc is found and brought into our store.
No Text Message Received
If you are looking for a lost disc and you have not received a text message from us, it means that no one has brought it into our store. We understand how eager you may be to find your disc, but please keep in mind that the volunteers who collect the lost discs bring them to us when they have the opportunity. While we appreciate their efforts, we do not have control over when they drop off the discs.